
My beginnings

@consult_culture started in 2016, it started with the idea of offering my services as a cross-cultural communication consultant. A very simple idea. However, destiny, and the generosity of people, have made of @consult_culture much more than a business idea. People come to this website to read, to learn and to reflect on what is happening in the world. People come to consult_culture, something very rare in these times of social media, immediate information and easy content.

I believe @consult_culture has become a reference, a place where people come when they want to read something, or see interesting pictures, and probably learn something more about @consul_culture’s creator, Yoneko.

And for all the support, friendship and love is that I have been able to continue growing, and in this process, a new project was born @yoneblogger, which is related to social media marketing, and visual contents.

Welcome to @consult_culture and I hope you enjoy its contents, as much as I enjoyed creating them.

